An Evening of Christmas Cantata

Published On December 18, 2022 » 706 Views» By admin » Artist, FEATURED, News, Roll Call
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What is the Christmas Cantata?

Just a week away from Christmas, Saturday night was magical at the Star. The star being Morning Star Baptist Church in Mattapan, MA, Pastored by Bishop John Borders, III. It was their Annual Christmas Cantata. The evening was a celebration of the most High, through song, dance and drama; where Worship and theatre collided. It was a wonderful night of performances, each note and every movement were filled with a spirit of love, with God at the forefront.

I sat in awe as I watched the liturgical dancers wave their vibrant colored flags with great care and intention. The congregation filled the room as everyone gazed from corner to corner waiting to see what would happen next.

The Worship Department, headed by Minister Michael W. Bradley orchestrated a lovely roster of traditional music selections, accompanied by the MSBC Band, led by Gerald Langford. The children (Joyful Noise) directed by Angela Perry were clothed in their crimson and white as they sang a few joyful selections, melting the hearts of their listeners. The soloists were all so incredibly talented, each clothed in elegant formal attire, black tuxes, and evening gowns. A very soul stirring message from Torrence Nelson singing Infant holy, Infant Lowly had the congregation on their feet. The powerful reenactment of Joseph and Mary traveling to find a place to rest, while being turned away, was so touching. The reveal of Mary holding Jesus encompassed what the celebration was all about.

Another memorable moment, for me was when I heard the first two musical notes of a particular song and thought, it can’t be – but it was! The Men’s Fellowship Choir, directed by Anthony Banks sang The Temptations’ rendition of Silent Night! I thought, what a great night this was turning into and then came the whimsical performance of The Nutcracker. There centerstage were two little prancing mice, a soldier, and a ballerina. I felt like I was at a Broadway performance, that had been infused with a little more Jesus! As if it couldn’t get any better, Min. Bradley sang a heartfelt Mary Did You Know, followed by a young Macia Bibbins who delivered a melodic Who Would Imagine a King, also accompanied by a beautiful dance. While I have always shied away from The Little Drummer Boy, this rendition was jazzy and special. It had all the feels that made me want to hear it again. A powerhouse trio sang We Three Kings as they continued to usher in the anointing. The night was filled with wonderful performances, including a very colorful and spirit filled Go Tell it On the Mountain.

The last selection of the evening had everyone on their feet as the Chorus sang Hallelujah. It immediately reminded me of the Handel’s Messiah: A Soulful Celebration recording conducted by Quincy Jones, that came out in the early 90’s . The room was filled with smiles and great cheer, coupled with the reason we were all there… our Love for Christ. Oh, what a time! It was a glorious evening of worship very reminiscent of attending at a Broadway production.

A very congratulations to the wonderful team of people who put everything together for the most amazing evening. Also, a special shout out to First Lady Borders who shared how this event will support the Bishop John M. Borders, III Urban Ministry Scholarship at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Boston Campus that will bless a well-deserving candidate with their ministry.

Link to the Christmas Cantata will be coming soon.

By: Bernadette Holder

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