I am not sure Arlington, Texas and Globe Life Field; home of the Texas Rangers’ is ready for what’s about to go down on that field! I am certain it’s going to be reimagined and visually eye-catching. But the power and anointing that will take place is going to be palpable, to say the very least. The Woman Evolve Conference 2023 is going to be filled with women who are expecting something from God! When you stand in expectation… God is going to show up and show out!
I’m very impressed with the exclusive perks for the upcoming conference. It is an interactive way to give the registrants an opportunity to play a role in the conference. I love the 5-day devotional that is based on the book “All Hope is Found.” It’s such a wonderful way to lead up to the the event.

The one thing I have always admired about Sarah Jakes Roberts, is her ability to be relatable and approachable. She’s that cousin, or that young and hip auntie that you love to be around. She’s that sister-friend that you listen to for advice because you can depend on her to keep it real. I believe the best part about all of that is that she’s a powerhouse in the gospel. She’s going to bring you the word in a way that you can understand and the anointing is going to rain down before you leave, because the presence of God is in the room! Chiiiillle!!! Sign me up! I don’t want to miss this!